On occasion, Resources for the Future scholars and the Resources editorial team will put together special blog series that are devoted to timely topics in the news. Listed below are selections of these types of special series that we’ve published.

Weather Volatility in the United States

Special Series: Weather Volatility in the United States
Climate change is increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events in the United States. In this series of blog posts, experts examine trends in extreme weather, impacts on communities, and policies that potentially could mitigate damage from extreme weather events.

The SEC Climate Disclosure Rule

Special Series: The SEC Climate Disclosure Rule
In light of a recently proposed climate disclosure rule from the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), we ask experts to weigh in on what the rule entails and its implications. Browse the blog series by clicking through these articles:
- Introduction to the Series: Why Do Investors Need or Want the SEC Climate Disclosure Rule?
- Indirect Emissions Disclosures Are Important but Tricky
- Even with Moves toward Transparency, Corporate Climate Pledges and Carbon Offsets Will Be Complicated
- Will the SEC’s Proposed Climate Disclosure Rule Come Up against Legal and Economic Challenges?
- International Context of the Proposed Climate Disclosure Rule from the US Securities and Exchange Commission


Special Series: Transportation
Resources for the Future researchers share thoughts on developments in the transportation market and transportation policy, drawing from the latest research in economics, policy, and engineering.
- Is There a Trade-off Between Equity and Effectiveness for Electric Vehicle Subsidies?
- Fuel Economy Standards Will Help Speed the Deployment of Electric Vehicles, But May Not Be Enough to Achieve the 2030 Target
- What Should Federal Agencies Assume for How Much Consumers Are Willing to Pay for Fuel Cost Savings?
- How Much and How Quickly Will Biden’s Proposed Fuel Economy Standards Reduce Emissions?
- The Role of Federal Subsidies in Decarbonizing the Transportation Sector
- How Much Will People Drive This Summer—and Beyond?
- Electric Vehicles and Equity: How Would Aiming Subsidies at Lower-Income Households Affect Vehicle Sales?
- Who Benefits from EV Subsidies? The Complicating Role of Zero-Emissions Vehicle Standards
- Eliminating Transportation Sector Emissions: Don’t Forget Trucks
- Can Public Transit Survive COVID and Compete with Uber? A Look at Long-Term Ridership Trends
- Three Approaches to Investing in Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
- Cash for Clunkers 2.0: Targeting Scrappage Subsidies to Cut Costs
- Moving the Needle on Electric Vehicle Market Share