Published since 1959 by Resources for the Future
Resources 216 Cover

Fall 2024  /  Magazine Issues

Issue 216: What Changes and What Remains the Same

A Note from RFFs President

This issue of Resources magazine includes several examples of our commitment to delivering rigorous research and nonpartisan policy engagement to achieve lofty but critical climate goals, even as the political and social climates evolve around us. Like any responsible organization, we have worked through our scenario planning for the election in November, and we note “politically resilient” and consistent topic areas that already benefit from bipartisan support.

We also highlight a Resources Radio podcast episode about the Stanford University and RFF public opinion survey, known as Climate Insights, which shows incredible consistency in American perspectives on climate change over the past 30 years.

Another important element in this issue is a celebration of RFF’s Resources magazine. The recent completion of digitizing 65 years of archived articles offers an opportunity to point out the steadfast legacy of RFF researchers providing rigorous economic research under various administrations even as many critical climate, energy, and environmental issues have changed.

This issue of the magazine reflects on how far we’ve come, offers insights on where we are going, and highlights the persistence needed to hold steady in our mission even as the world continues to transform around us.

Billy Pizer
President and CEO, Resources for the Future