Fall 2016 / Magazine Issues
Issue 193: Protecting National Parks: New Fees Can Help
In this issue, researchers explore the fee structure of national parks, consider water conservation policies, and honor Molly Macauley.
Articles in this issue
Lighting Up the Last Mile: The Benefits and Costs of Rural Electrification

Water Conservation Policies: Prices versus Restrictions

Protecting Our National Parks: New Entrance Fees Can Help

Is Halting the Clean Power Plan Economically Justified?

Ten Recommendations for Plugging the Gaps in Inactive Well Policy

Protecting against Invasive Species: A Risk-Based Approach to Live Plant Inspection

Measuring Fuel Economy and Emissions in the Wake of the VW Diesel Scandal: A Look at US and EU Approaches

From the President: RFF’s Compelling Future

Goings On: Highlights from Recent Events at RFF

Commentary: Why California’s Cap-and-Trade Program Works

Q&A: Increasing Flood Insurance Take-Up for Economic Resilience: An Interview with Carolyn Kousky

Inside RFF: RFF Announces 2016–2017 Fellowship Recipients, Introduces New Fellow

In Loving Memory of Molly K. Macauley