Winter 2016 / Magazine Issues
Issue 191: Clearing the Air: Policies to Meet the New US Ozone Standard
In this issue, RFF researchers consider the impacts of biofuel mandates on food prices and emissions, dam construction on international rivers, and how market-based policies help meet the tighter US ozone limit.
Articles in this issue
Dam Construction on International Rivers

Clearing the Air: How Market-Based Policies Help Meet the Tighter US Ozone Limit

How Climate Change Affects Traffic Accidents

Are We Becoming Greener? Trends in Environmental Desire

Global Benefit–Cost Analysis in US Climate Policy: Heresy or Evolutionary Logic?

A Look at 35 Years of Flood Insurance Claims

From the President: Building on Success in Paris

Goings On: Highlights from Recent Events at RFF

Commentary: Does Bicycle Infrastructure Reduce Traffic Congestion?

The Real Costs and Benefits of Federal Regulations: An Interview with Richard Morgenstern

Inside RFF: RFF Announces Research Chairs, Welcomes New Fellow, and Remembers Wallace E. Oates

Why I Support RFF: An Economically Sensible Energy Transition

The Impacts of Biofuel Mandates on Food Prices and Emissions