Resources magazine is possible because of Resources for the Future (RFF) researchers, staff, and pets that keep scholars and staff cuddled. Also very important: the children of RFF, who help drive the organization’s mission, given that their parents are working hard to help ensure a healthy environment and thriving economy for the next generation.

Luis Fernández Intriago and Nico

Nico patiently explains an admittedly complex chart to his papa, RFF Postdoctoral Fellow Luis Fernández Intriago.

Carolyn Mollen and Penny

Carolyn Mollen, RFF’s vice president for finance and administration, hikes with her daughter, Penny, at Antelope Island State Park in Utah.


Crosby—son of Shannon Wulf Tregar, RFF’s vice president for development and institutional strategy—is RFF’s most enthusiastic supporter in the DMV.

Marc Hafstead

RFF Fellow Marc Hafstead thinks about environmental economics and carbon pricing even while he slides down ski slopes.

Annie McDarris

Annie McDarris, RFF media relations associate, makes sure that the environment features heavily in her work and play.

Rudy and Robert Stavins

Rudy nose that Resources Fur the Future makes much joy pawsible for his two-legged friend, RFF Unifursity Fellow Robert Stavins (who also serves as co–vice chair of the RFF Board of Directors).

Filson shows off the new signage at RFF headquarters.


Archie purr-uses an issue of Resources magazine.