In 1989 President Bush proposed making the use of alternative automotive fuels mandatory in some cities with severe ozone problems. Characterized as a mandate to substitute methanol for gasoline, the proposal launched a debate on the emissions reduction benefits and fuel costs of methanol vehicles. A recently completed study conducted at Resources for the Future suggests that the use of methanol vehicles may be less cost-effective than some other ozone reduction strategies.
The inability of many U.S. cities to attain national ambient air quality standards has prompted policymakers to suggest new, more drastic, controls on certain pollutants. One of these is ozone, the major component of urban smog. It is a particularly difficult pollutant to control because it is not emitted but formed in the air when reactive hydrocarbons (or volatile organic compounds, VOCs) are mixed with nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the presence of sunlight. As a major source of VOCs and NOx—accounting for about 40 percent of VOC emissions and 90 percent of NOx emissions in urban areas—motor vehicles have been targeted in ozone reduction efforts.
Although cars and trucks are considerably cleaner than they were ten or fifteen years ago, some areas of the country still do not achieve national ambient air quality standards. California, for example, has the tightest motor emissions standards and vehicle inspection programs in the country, yet much of the state violates the ozone standard several days a year. (The Los Angeles area violates the standard more than 150 days a year.) Measures that would reduce the number of miles driven—such as a gasoline tax, a second-car tax, an increase in parking fees, mandatory alternate driving days, and a four-day work week (all of which have been proposed for Los Angeles)—may be somewhat effective in reducing VOC and NOx emissions, but whether they could be implemented nationwide is very much an open question.
Thus attention has turned toward cleaner transportation fuels. Last year, for example, the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) recommended that electric vehicles and vehicles that would run on methanol be introduced in the Los Angeles area. President Bush's June 1989 proposal to revise the Clean Air Act included mandatory use of alternative fuels in nine cities with the worst ozone problems. Both houses of Congress have proposed amendments to the Clean Air Act that include alternative fuels provisions for cities with severe ozone problems.
Among the various gasoline substitutes under consideration, methanol, ethanol, natural gas, and propane are the most feasible in the short run; electricity and hydrogen may be possible alternatives in the long run. In addition, the oil industry has recently begun reformulating gasoline, replacing aromatics—the chemicals used to boost octane in gas—with cleaner alcohols such as methanol and ethanol or other additives.
Although it is not the cleanest of the alternative fuels and it is unlikely to be the cheapest, methanol has been the alternative fuel frontrunner. Its appeal results from a combination of factors. First, vehicles that can run either on gasoline or any mixture of gasoline and methanol, such as M85 (a blend of 85 percent methanol and 15 percent gasoline), are currently available. Second, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in its investigation of alternative fuels, has found methanol to be a clean and relatively inexpensive substitute for gasoline. And third, methanol presents fewer obstacles to use in private automobiles than other alternative fuels. For example, compressed natural gas can only be used in vehicles equipped with a heavy compression tank, and vehicles that use it must be refueled slowly. Ethanol made from corn or other grain products is very costly, although it is marketed at a competitive price because sellers receive a government subsidy. Propane (liquified petroleum gas) is in limited supply.
Some EPA analyses have shown methanol to be a cost-effective way to reduce VOC emissions. Under some scenarios, in fact, the agency predicts that methanol would be even cheaper than gasoline. Some oil industry studies, however, have shown contrary results.
The president's original clean air proposal, characterized as a methanol mandate, generated a heated debate over the characteristics and levels of emissions from methanol vehicles and the cost of methanol fuel relative to gasoline. They predict that methanol would cost significantly more than gasoline and produce few emissions reduction benefits. Some oil industry studies, however, have shown contrary results.
Researchers at Resources for the Future (RFF) recently undertook an independent analysis of the issues surrounding the use of methanol in an effort to estimate its cost-effectiveness. The study involved assessing the likely emissions from methanol vehicles in the years 2000 and 2010 and comparing them with expected emissions from gasoline vehicles in the same years. Impacts on ambient ozone levels in some U.S. cities were also examined, but are not presented here. In addition, the study projected the costs of methanol in 2000 and 2010 and compared them to gasoline price forecasts. The emissions and ozone results were then combined with the cost information to assess the cost-effectiveness of methanol for reducing VOCs and urban ozone in 2000 and 2010.
Emissions analysis
The largest constituent of methanol vehicle emissions is unburned methanol, a relatively benign hydrocarbon compound. While methanol vehicles emit fewer of the less benign, non-methane hydrocarbons—including toxic chemicals such as benzene and 1,3 butadiene, and ozone-forming hydrocarbon compounds—than do gasoline vehicles, they release more formaldehyde emissions, which are toxic and highly reactive in forming ozone. Methanol vehicles also emit nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide, as do gasoline vehicles.
The RFF study focused only on the potential to form ozone—or the reactivity—of methanol, hydrocarbon, and formaldehyde emissions expected from methanol vehicles after being driven 50,000 miles. The reactivity of these emissions was then compared to that of hydrocarbon and formaldehyde emissions from gasoline vehicles driven 50,000 miles. The study incorporated information supplied in eleven different investigations of gasoline vehicles, flexible-fuel vehicles (FFVs), dedicated M85 vehicles (vehicles designed to run on 85 percent methanol and 15 percent gasoline), and dedicated M100 vehicles (vehicles designed to use 100 percent methanol) conducted by academic researchers, industry, and the government (including the EPA). These investigations considered emissions from late-model gasoline vehicles in general use, late-model methanol vehicles used in government and private sector fleets, and prototypes of both gasoline and methanol vehicles. In addition, a database furnished by the American Petroleum Institute (API) provided further emissions information on methanol fleet vehicles. This database contained information on 55 methanol vehicles of 15 different model types, covering eight model years between 1978 and 1988. In all, RFF researchers examined 471 emissions test results.
Methanol vehicles emit fewer ozone-forming volatile organic compounds than do gasoline vehicles.
RFF's analysis of estimates taken from the investigations by academic researchers, industry, and the government indicated that FFVs operating in the year 2000 would be likely to provide 30 percent lower emissions of reactive hydrocarbons than improved gasoline vehicles (gasoline vehicles meeting slightly tighter emissions standards than today's vehicles). Dedicated M85 vehicles would be likely to provide 50 percent lower emissions in the year 2000. Assuming that today's prototype vehicles would be in use by the year 2010, RFF researchers estimated that, in that year, prototype M100 vehicles would produce 42 percent lower emissions of reactive hydrocarbons than prototype gasoline vehicles.
In contrast to these findings, the API database indicated a smaller reduction in the emissions of reactive hydrocarbons from current methanol vehicles. The API database showed that both FFVs and M85 vehicles provided only 24 percent lower emissions of reactive hydrocarbons than gasoline vehicles.
RFF researchers identified several reasons why the estimates reported in the API database differed from those obtained from the eleven studies by academic researchers, industry, and the government. First, the API database contains emissions estimates for some older methanol vehicles, as well as more recent models; thus it is likely to be unrepresentative of the emissions reduction potential of new M85 vehicles. Second, emissions estimates from the eleven studies may be based only on methanol vehicles that perform well, resulting in an underestimation of the variability of emissions levels. Third, these studies may underestimate the increase in emissions that occurs as a car is driven more miles.
Cost estimates
To estimate the cost of methanol fuel, the RFF study analyzed methanol production costs (capital costs, as well as feedstock and non-feedstock operating costs), transportation costs if the methanol were to be produced overseas, and distribution and marketing costs. Particular attention was paid to the most contentious issue associated with methanol: the feedstock, or raw material, cost. Methanol is most economically produced from a natural gas feedstock, and the largest reserves of natural gas are in countries that currently make very little use of it. This has led some observers to assume that this gas has a zero opportunity cost, and thus is available at the cost only of gathering and transporting it to the methanol plant. RFF researchers believe this to be a flawed assumption. They discovered that the price of this gas is dependent on the prices of alternative energy sources, particularly crude oil, and will become increasingly dependent on those prices in the future. As a result, the RFF study assumed that natural gas used to produce methanol would have a positive and rising opportunity cost.
Some observers assume that natural gas, from which methanol is produced, has a zero opportunity cost; RFF researchers believe this is a flawed assumption.
RFF estimated that, in the year 2000, the price of M85 fuel, if used in dedicated M85 vehicles, would be 44 cents more per gallon than gasoline on an energy-equivalent basis. (Methanol has a lower energy content than gasoline, thus vehicles running on methanol get only about one-half to two-thirds as many miles per gallon. RFF cost estimates are adjusted for this fact.) If used in flexible-fuel vehicles, the price of M85 fuel would be 58 cents more per gallon than gasoline. This is because $300 worth of hardware is needed to equip a flexible-fuel vehicle to burn any fuel mixture and because FFVs are not as fuel-efficient as dedicated methanol vehicles.
In 2010, both methanol and gasoline prices are expected to be higher, but so is the fuel efficiency of methanol vehicles. Thus the difference between the price of M100 fuel (100 percent methanol) and the price of gasoline would be about 27 cents per gallon, on an energy-equivalent basis.
Table 1. Cost-effectiveness of Methanol Vehicles in the Years 2000 and 2010
To estimate the cost-effectiveness of methanol vehicles in the years 2000 and 2010, the RFF study combined emissions reduction and cost estimates to arrive at the dollar cost per ton of emissions reduced (see table 1). According to these calculations, flexible-fuel vehicles would be less cost-effective than dedicated M85 and M100 vehicles. RFF researchers estimated that the replacement of gasoline vehicles by FFVs would likely yield reductions of reactive hydrocarbon emissions at a cost of $66,000 per ton. If dedicated M85 vehicles are operating, emissions reductions would likely be $31,000 per ton. In these scenarios, methanol production plants are as large as the largest existing methanol plants, producing about 2,500 metric tons of methanol per day, and dedicated M85 vehicles are more fuel efficient than their FFV counterparts. The cost-effectiveness estimates above were calculated using the emissions reduction estimates culled from the investigations conducted by academic researchers, industry, and government agencies. If emissions estimates from the API database are used, both FFVs and dedicated M85 vehicles are significantly less cost-effective.
According to the RFF study, in 2010, M100 vehicles would achieve emissions reductions at a likely cost of $51,000 per ton—a figure higher than the estimate for dedicated M85 vehicles in the year 2000. This is the case even though M100 vehicles produce fewer emissions of reactive hydrocarbons than M85 vehicles, and methanol fuel costs are relatively constant between 2000 and 2010. (Although the feedstock costs of methanol rise between 2000 and 2010, capital costs fall because larger methanol plants—which produce fuel more cheaply, on a per gallon basis, than smaller ones—are assumed to be in operation.) The estimated higher cost of emissions reduction from M100 vehicles arises from the assumption that gasoline vehicles would achieve greater emissions reduction in 2010 than in the year 2000.
Many ozone reduction strategies would cost less than $10,000 per ton of VOCs reduced—about one-fifth RFF's estimated cost for reducing VOCs by using methanol vehicles.
Comparing alternative strategies
Cost-effectiveness is a relative measure. The only way to evaluate whether the use of methanol vehicles is cost-effective is to compare the costs of that strategy with those of other alternative emissions reduction strategies. Two of the most recent and notable studies that have considered the cost-effectiveness of various VOC reduction strategies were performed by the congressional Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) and by the South Coast Air Quality Management District. Both studies indicate that the cost-effectiveness of various strategies differs enormously. They also note that many options exist for reducing VOC emissions at a cost of less than $10,000 per ton. The OTA identified ten classes of these lower-cost strategies. The agency found that, in the year 2004, VOC emissions could be reduced at a cost of under $6,000 per ton, even in areas of the United States where the ozone standard is violated. The most cost-effective measure OTA cited was reducing gasoline volatility, which reduces evaporative VOC emissions, at a cost of $500 per ton.
In 1989, SCAQMD identified 120 options for the first stage of its multistage plan to make the city of Los Angeles meet national air quality standards. The average cost-effectiveness of 68 measures proposed was $12,250 per ton of VOCs reduced. Again, lowering fuel volatility was one of the lowest-cost strategies at $4,800 per ton of VOC emissions reduced. (Since California already has a lower fuel volatility limit than the rest of the country, further reductions would presumably be more costly there than in the rest of the United States.) The costs of other measures ranged from $0 for changes in aerospace operations to $467,000 for controls on marine vessel operations. Lowering motor vehicle VOC emissions standards was found to cost $1,600 per ton.
Some of the lower-cost strategies proposed for reducing VOC emissions would not result in compliance with the national ozone standard for many areas of the country.
By these benchmarks, the methanol strategy appears to be a costly one. The RFF cost estimates of $31,000 to $66,000 per ton of VOC emissions reduced are much higher than the cost estimates for the ozone reduction strategies identified by the Office of Technology Assessment and the South Coast Air Quality Management District. One important point should be kept in mind, however. The OTA strategies for reducing VOC emissions would not result in compliance with the national ozone standard for many areas of the country, and the 120 strategies outlined in the first stage of the SCAQMD plan would not enable Los Angeles to achieve national ambient air quality standards. Implementation of very high-cost strategies may be necessary to bring the ozone levels of many cities down to the standards required by the EPA.
Additional considerations
Although RFF estimates show methanol vehicles to be a costly strategy for reducing VOC emissions, might a more optimistic case be made for their cost-effectiveness? The RFF study estimated that the cost per ton of emissions reduced could be as low as $13,000 for M85 vehicles in the year 2000. But reaching this lower number required making two very optimistic assumptions: that M85 vehicles currently in use would achieve the emissions reductions assumed for the best of the prototype methanol vehicles, and that methanol would be produced in plants that are much larger than the largest plants currently in operation.
It is possible that cost-effectiveness could be further improved if methanol vehicles could be manufactured more cheaply than future gasoline vehicles, or if the non-fuel operating costs of methanol vehicles could be lowered below those of gasoline vehicles, or both. At the present time, these events seem unlikely. Future methanol vehicles may be able to run on smaller and thus less expensive engines than gasoline vehicles. On the other hand, M100 vehicles have difficulty starting in cold weather, and the maintenance record for methanol vehicles currently in use has not been good. These two problems can be solved, but at a cost.
Analysis of a number of relatively unexplored ozone reduction strategies are needed.
While reducing the emissions of gasoline vehicles may be costly, there is no presumption that costs would exceed those of reducing emissions of methanol vehicles. Some of the newer gasoline vehicles equipped with on-board diagnostics and "adaptive learning" (a technology that adjusts the fuel-to-air ratio over the driving cycle) already meet the emissions reduction levels that the RFF study assumed for gasoline vehicles in 2010. Thus wider use of current emissions control techniques may go a long way to achieving air quality standards at very little cost.
Examining other alternatives
In the final analysis, relatively unexamined approaches to lowering motor vehicle emissions are likely to be more cost-effective than methanol. Other types of alternate fuels, particularly compressed natural gas and reformulated gasoline—the latter is currently being pushed in the debate over the Clean Air Act—may reduce emissions at a lower cost. Advances in catalytic converter technologies, such as an electrically heated catalyst that controls emissions from a car while it is warming up, are expected to cost very little. Early test results show VOC and other emissions at near zero in gasoline and methanol vehicles equipped with such catalysts. Programs to purchase and retire 15 percent of the most polluting cars and trucks could reduce VOC emissions by 30 percent, and programs to help enforce vehicle exhaust standards through the automatic measurement of vehicle emissions at expressway entrances, and subsequent prosecution of violators, might also be cost-effective. Finally, a growing number of atmospheric chemists believe that measures focusing on reducing nitrogen oxides instead of VOCs may be a more productive means of reducing ambient ozone levels in some cities.
Ultimately, comprehensive cost-effectiveness analyses are needed to identify whether the national ambient ozone standard can be met at lower costs than by substituting methanol vehicles for gasoline vehicles. While the results of the RFF study indicate that using methanol vehicles is more costly than other approaches to ozone reduction, a comprehensive analysis of a number of relatively unexplored strategies could suggest more cost-effective ways to meet the ozone standard.
Margaret A. Walls is a fellow in the Energy and Natural Resources Division at RFF. Alan J. Krupnick is a senior fellow in the Quality of the Environment Division at RFF.
A version of this article appeared in print in the June 1990 issue of Resources magazine.