In addition to their extensive economic benefits (which have been outlined in some of our scholarly research papers), outdoor spaces also provide physical and psychological perks. Share in the fun of Resources for the Future staff and scholars who like getting out and about and have reflected on some of their favorite natural spots and national parks.

White Mountain National Forest

“Most weekends for the past few years, my friends and I would squeeze into a car at 5 a.m., drive up while the sun was rising, and make it to an outlook in time for lunch. From the comradery brought on by weekend adventures, to the breathtaking granite peaks, there is nothing quite like a hike in the Whites.”

Rock Creek Park

“We like Rock Creek Park because it’s easy to get to from the city, and there are always lots of dog friends to play with!”

Redwood National Park

“Many of my formative memories involve hiking through the redwoods in northern California. This memory I am particularly fond of was captured during a pit stop on a road trip to Oregon. We went up the Pacific Coast Highway to see the 2017 solar eclipse, and then drove back down to move into my college apartment in Long Beach.”

Yellowstone National Park

“In 2011, we took a two-week trip through Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks with our first kid, who was one year old. We loved the Tetons, but Yellowstone was such a treat. Between the colorful lakes and the cool thermal features, it was a totally magical place.”

The National Mall

“I love that the DC area has so many great local parks. One of my personal favorites to visit with my dog is the National Mall. We frequently go for runs there to see the various monuments and memorials—and the cherry blossoms, of course!”

Acadia National Park

“I haven’t had the opportunity yet to go to that many national parks, but so far, Acadia in Maine is one of my favorites. I’m looking forward to my road trip out West this fall, where I’ll visit Arches, Bryce, Zion, the Grand Canyon, and other public lands. And maybe I’ll even see about staking a claim under the General Mining Act of 1872. (Mostly kidding about the last part.)”

Grand Staircase-Escalante

“When I was doing work on national monuments, I visited several. Grand Staircase-Escalante is, of course, one of the most famous and controversial—and truly spectacular.”