The US Energy Security Act of 1980 establishes a federal gasohol program to encourage production of fuel alcohol from biomass equal to at least 10 percent of total US gasoline consumption by 1990. This implies a production of 10 billion gallons of fuel alcohol out of a total projected consumption of about 100 billion gallons of motor fuel.
Federal incentives to achieve this target include the following:
- Exemption from the 4-cents-per-gallon federal excise tax on gasoline for gasohol containing at least 10 percent alcohol, through 1992 (Crude Oil Windfall Profit Tax Act of 1980)
- A special 10 percent investment tax credit (through 1985)
- An entitlement (of about 5 cents per gallon) for fuel alcohol produced from biomass (program terminated in January 1981)
- Grants, loans, and loan guarantees totaling $1.05 billion (Energy Security Act of 1980 and Supplemental Appropriations Act of 1980). Loan guarantees allowed to be leveraged on a 3:1 basis (P.L. 96-514). The Reagan administration has proposed to rescind this financing authority.
- Mandated use of gasohol in federal motor vehicles when available at "reasonable prices" (Energy Security Act)
- Authority for the secretary of agriculture to grant alcohol producers preferential access to government-held stocks of corn, at the reserve release price (125 percent of support), instead of 105 percent of the call price (152 percent of support) applicable to other users (Agricultural Act of 1980)
- Authority for the secretary of agriculture to establish a gasohol feedstock reserve, using agricultural commodities acquired by the government as a result of export controls; these stocks may be released to alcohol producers at a price lower than 105 percent of the call price (Agricultural Act of 1980).
- Incentive payments to farmers devoting set-aside acreage to the production of crops for fuel (Amendment to Food and Agriculture Act of 1977)
- Priority allocation of natural gas (in the event of a shortage) for crop production devoted to fuel alcohol and for producers of fuel alcohol (Energy Security Act of 1980).
In addition, twenty-five states offer incentives for alcohol production from biomass, mainly in the form of a total or partial exemption of gasohol from state gasoline taxes (table 1).
By far the most important of these aids is the exemption from the federal gasoline tax: it amounts to 40 cents per gallon of the alcohol contained in gasohol. The value of the special investment tax credit has been estimated at 3 cents per gallon of alcohol (Williams, 1980). The subsidy equivalent of the other federal incentives is difficult to quantify.
The state tax exemptions average 5.4 cents per gallon of gasohol, or 54 cents per gallon of alcohol, in the twenty-five states where they apply. If the states granting no exemptions are included, the weighted average of state tax exemptions for the United States as a whole amounts to 25 cents per gallon of alcohol.
Ethanol versus methanol
The US gasohol program is based on the displacement of gasoline by ethanol, ethyl or grain alcohol, the same kind of distilled spirit that goes into whiskey or is used in scientific laboratories. Indeed, the very familiarity of ethanol production and use constitutes a powerful, if intangible, argument for its use as a motor fuel.
Why ethanol produced from corn and other feed grains and not some other alcohol? The general answer is that a blend of 10 percent ethanol and 90 percent regular gasoline—gasohol—can be burned in conventional automobile engines, with a slight loss in miles per gallon and a slight gain in octane rating.
The principal alternative, methanol, can be produced more cheaply (from wood and other cellulosic materials, and even more cheaply from coal), but it has major drawbacks as a motor fuel extender. In particular, whereas a 10-percent ethanol-gasoline blend can be used in the family car, admixtures of methanol require extensive engine modifications (Cecelski and Ramsay, 1979; Owens, 1980; OTA, 1980).
Table 1. State Motor Fuel Tax Exemptions for Gasohol, September 1979
Compared with ethanol, methanol has a low Btu content (only half that of gasoline and 20 percent less than ethanol), more severe phase separation problems, more starting problems in cold weather, more serious corrosive effects on metals and plastic, and high toxicity. Nevertheless, it is conceivable that methanol could become an acceptable alternative to ethanol in engines especially adapted for its use, notably in the form of pure alcohol. Initially, such use is likely to be limited to special fleets of vehicles operating within a short distance from their fueling base (National Alcohol Fuels Commission, 1981).
More widespread use of vehicles burning pure alcohol is planned in Brazil, but the economics of this approach in the United States is questionable. Indeed, if methanol has a future in the United States, it most likely will be as a feedstock for synthetic gasoline (as well as other chemicals); and the economics will favor methanol from coal over methanol from biomass.
Table 2. Ethanol Production Costs at the End of 1979
For the near future, however, technical considerations favor ethanol over methanol.
Although ethanol can be derived from a wide range of other biomass sources such as potatoes, sugar beets, sugarcane, sweet sorghum, crop wastes, and wood, all (with the possible exception of molasses) involve substantially higher production costs than ethanol from feedgrains (Meekhof and coauthors, 1980a, table 6; DOE, 1979, table 111-2; Cecelski and Ramsay, 1979, table 1). This is true even though the cost of competing feedstocks may be lower than that of grains, for this advantage is more than offset by higher processing costs or lower value of by-products, or both. It is not surprising, therefore, that 90 percent of all existing and planned ethanol capacity is designed to use feedgrains (National Alcohol Fuels Commission, 1981).
Ethanol production costs
Ethanol is currently produced in two types of plants--dry-milling operations, which produce alcohol and distillers dried grain (DDG, 22 percent protein), and wet-milling operations, which turn out a range of co-products, including high-protein feeds, such as gluten feeds and meal, corn oil, and starch. Moreover, wet milling can process the starch into corn sweeteners or ethanol.
The optimum distilling capacity for a single plant is 50 to 100 million gallons annually (Meekhof and coauthors, 1980a, table 7). Estimated dry-milling production costs of ethanol in a modern grain alcohol distillery are shown in table 2. Total net costs of ethanol produced as part of a wet-milling operation appear to be similar: higher by-product credits are approximately offset by higher investment and operating costs. The wet-milling process is more attractive, primarily because it offers more flexibility in response to changing market conditions, a quality that will be particularly valuable in the event that crop-based alcohol production loses government support or becomes unprofitable because of high feedstock prices.
Market value of ethanol
With the federal subsidies, ethanol in late 1979 was competitive with regular non-lead gasoline, which then sold for 85 cents at the refinery. Whether ethanol is, in fact, exactly comparable in value with regular nonlead gasoline is a matter of debate. For example, ethanol contains about 38 percent fewer Btus per gallon than does gasoline, and, compared with gasoline, laboratory tests show a mileage loss for gasohol varying between zero and 4 percent (OTA, 1980), or zero to 40 percent if attributed to ethanol alone. The mileage penalty tends to be more severe in late model cars (Austin and Rubenstein, 1980; Owens, 1980).
On the other hand, ethanol raises the octane rating of gasoline, with estimates varying rather widely from 0.8 to 5.0 points (OTA, 1979). At 0.8 cents per octane point, the value of the octane-enhancing property of ethanol amounts to 0.64 to 4.0 cents per gallon of gasohol, or 6.4 to 40 cents per gallon of ethanol. On balance, in the absence of more certain information, gasohol seems worth neither more nor less than regular nonlead gasoline.
Prospects through 1992
Five months after enactment of the extended federal tax exemption, the total ethanol production capacity announced or under construction was approaching 1 billion gallons—roughly double the Carter administration's original expectation. Investments totaling at least another 1 billion gallons seem to be under active consideration. Whether this pace is sustained depends on developments that are difficult to foresee, including, in particular, the future course of crude oil and corn prices, federal and state support, and the cost of borrowing.
Probably it is safe to assume that the real cost of crude oil will not fall in this decade. Rather, it is likely to rise further, so that the profitability of ethanol production is unlikely to be threatened from that side.
Grain prices have risen sharply in 1980-81, but this is largely the result of temporary factors, including the 1980 drought in the United States and two successive crop shortfalls in the Soviet Union. Looking further ahead, real grain prices had been projected to rise somewhat during the decade, even before gasohol entered the picture: US grain exports, which tripled during the 1970s to over 100 million tons, could rise to 150 million tons by 1990. With domestic demand rising moderately, to about 180 million tons, the total demand for US grain—excluding grain for fuel—may be projected at 330 million tons by the end of the decade, an increase of about 58 million tons (21 percent) over the current trend rate.
Assuming a continuation of long-term productivity growth at the rate experienced in the past forty years, an increase of this magnitude could be met largely out of increased productivity per acre and per unit of input, without a significant increase in production costs. This conclusion no longer holds, however, if on top of this demand, another 100 million tons of grain—the quantity needed to produce 10 billion gallons of ethanol—is claimed by the gasohol program. Even allowing for the soybean acreage that would be released because of the increased availability of protein feeds accruing as a by-product of ethanol production, and the possibility of bringing additional land into cultivation, the gasohol program will put increasing pressure on US agricultural resources and drive up all agricultural prices, especially those of feedgrains.
Table 3. Effects of Different Levels of Ethanol Production on Real Corn Prices
Fully satisfactory estimates of the probable effects of a 10-billion-gallon ethanol program on the supply, demand, and prices of grain and soybeans do not yet exist, but it is all but certain that it will push real prices of corn and other feedgrains to twice their 1979-80 levels before the 100-million-ton level is reached (table 3).
Whenever that occurs, corn is likely to become noncompetitive as a feedstock for fuel alcohol. This need not be because of competition from gasoline (assuming that real crude oil prices will continue to rise faster than the net cost of producing ethanol), but rather because of competition from wood and other noncrop biomass feedstocks, and, more important, from unsubsidized coal-based synthetic fuels, which by that time should begin to become available at competitive prices. The effect of a doubling of corn prices on the "competitive edge" of corn-based ethanol over ethanol derived from noncrop biomass feedstocks is shown in table 4.
The future profitability of using corn as a feedstock for ethanol also depends on the future price of protein feeds. The rapid expansion of corn-based ethanol production will flood the market with DDG of other protein-feed by-products. At the 10-billion-gallon target for ethanol production, roughly 30 million tons of by-product protein feeds would be produced, an amount equivalent to 15 million tons of soybean meal. This would represent about 30 percent of the total demand for American protein feeds projected for 1990, and 5 million tons more than the demand growth projected for the next ten years.
Some analysts (Wisner and Gidel, 1977) have suggested that such a large amount of by-product protein feeds could not be absorbed without severe downward pressure on the prices of all protein feeds; these downward pressures will be offset, however, by the upward pressure that the gasohol program will exert on the prices of all crops. Land that otherwise would be used for soybean production will be used to grow corn, and protein feeds will be substituted to some extent for high-priced grain in feed rations. It is assumed in table 4 that the prices of by-product feeds will increase by 20 percent as compared with 100 percent for corn. At that point, by-product feeds would be selling at little more than their feed energy value.
It is important to keep in mind that the gasohol program is critically dependent on public subsidies (currently ranging from 40 cents per gallon of ethanol in states that do not grant exemptions from state taxes to as much as $1 per gallon in others). Gradual phasing out of the state tax exemptions over the next few years is anticipated, but this alone need not threaten the profitability of ethanol production. On the other hand, the industry could probably not survive the withdrawal of the principal federal subsidy—the exemption from the federal gasoline tax. Already there is evidence that the coolness displayed by the Reagan administration toward the subsidization of synthetic fuels—and specifically, its decision to terminate the loan guarantee program for ethanol projects—has been a factor in the apparent slowdown of gasohol investment plans (although the current petroleum glut and the high cost of borrowing also have contributed to it). While there is no indication, so far, that the administration will ask for the repeal of the federal tax exemption, modifications—including a phaseout before 1992—are not inconceivable. Termination of the federal tax exemption would make crop-based ethanol production unprofitable under almost any foreseeable circumstances.
Benefits of the program
The principal objective of the gasohol program is to reduce US dependence on petroleum imports, a goal of self-evident importance. Whether alcohol—and crop alcohol in particular—is a rational and cost-effective option for accomplishing the objective is open to question.
A related economic objective is the strengthening of the US balance of payments, now burdened by petroleum imports that will approach $100 billion in more than one-third of total imports. What matters here is the net effect, after allowing for possible adverse effects on, exports. Again, is gasohol a rational and cost-effective answer to the balance-payments problem?
Table 4. The Effect of a Doubling of Corn Prices on the Competitive Position of Corn-Based Ethanol Corn
Less dependence on oil imports
Assume that the target of 10 billion gallons of alcohol (ethanol) from biomass is reached by 1990. Assume, further, that motor fuel consumption stabilizes at 100 billion gallons per year. Then ethanol will replace 10 percent of US gasoline consumption; and gasohol will be the predominant motor fuel.
Often it is asserted that every gallon of ethanol produced will save one gallon or more of gasoline. This claim must rest on rather sanguine assumptions regarding one or more of the following: (1) crude oil savings in oil refineries made possible by the octane-enhancing property of ethanol when it is blended with low-octane gasoline; (2) the fuel efficiency (miles per gallon) of ethanol; and (3) the possibilities of minimizing the use of liquid fuel and natural gas in the production of ethanol.
Since the objective is to reduce imports of liquid fuel, it may appear at first sight that it does not matter what quantities of nonliquid fuels are used in the production of ethanol. This reasoning is valid for coal and other solid fuels because they are in ample supply in the United States and because they are not, at this stage, generally acceptable substitutes or feedstocks for liquid fuel. Natural gas, on the other hand, must be treated on the same basis as liquid fuel because it is relatively scarce, and because it is a highly acceptable substitute for oil in residential and industrial heating. In what follows, therefore, liquid fuels and natural gas are considered together as premium fuels.
Several factors affecting the premium fuel economy of ethanol production are so uncertain that even the most thorough expert studies usually provide a wide range of estimates. Accordingly, any attempt to arrive at a single set of estimates inevitably involves a large element of judgement. The estimates presented in table 5 generally lie between the extremes found in the literature, but the conclusions of this study would not be invalidated if more generous estimates had been adopted.
The estimates in table 5 are based on the assumption that no premium fuel is used as process fuel in the distillery. This is not the case at present; indeed, natural gas is commonly used in existing plants. Although ethanol produced in this way is eligible for the gasoline tax exemption, it appears that future plants will use non-premium fuels (mainly coal) in anticipation of the scheduled decontrol of natural gas prices.
The estimates in table 5 allow for a 20 percent credit for crude-oil savings in oil refineries made possible by the octane-enhancing value of ethanol. The Office of Technology Assessment of the US Congress allows a 40-percent credit (OTA, 1979), but this seems excessive for several reasons.
First, it is questionable whether the addition of 10 percent ethanol to gasoline results in a three-point gain in octane, as assumed by the OTA; two points may be more realistic.
Second, the crude oil savings estimated by the OTA assume that future cars typically will require 91-octane fuel; at lower octane ratings, the savings would be smaller. As the OTA report points out, however, "in the 1980 there could be an increased use of automobiles that do not require high octane fuels. With these engines, the octane-boosting properties of the alcohols are essentially irrelevant. There are numerous (other) factors which can lower the actual savings below that which is technically possible."
Third, oil refineries may "convert to more energy-efficient processes for producing high-octane gasoline." In the light of these considerations, even a 20-percent credit may be too high.
Based on table 5, it would appear that the premium fuel savings resulting from the production of 10 billion gallons of ethanol will be 6.5 billion gallons, gasoline equivalent. Allowing for a refinery loss of 10 percent, this would be equivalent to 170 million barrels of crude oil per year, or 470,000 barrels of crude oil per day. This represents 2.7 percent of total US consumption of liquid fuels, and 7 percent of oil imports. [In 1980, US imports of crude oil and products averaged 6.7 million barrels per day (DOE, 1980b)].
Table 5. Net Savings of Premium Fuel: Ethanol Versus Regular Gasoline; and Table 6. US Agricultural Exports, 1972, 1979, and Projections to 1990
Balance-of-payments effects
In discussions of the balance-of-payments benefits of the gasohol program, attention usually is focused on oil-import savings. At the current price of about $35 per barrel, a net saving of 170 million barrels amounts to $6 billion. If the real price of crude oil should double again by 1990, the savings would double, in turn, to $12 billion.
The effects of the program on US agricultural exports are more difficult to assess. In calendar year 1979, exports amounted to $35 billion, of which $7.8 billion was accounted for by feedgrains, $5.5 billion by wheat and flour, and $7.9 billion by soybeans and soybean products. Projections by the author, assuming no gasohol program (table 6), imply that export growth will continue in the 1980s but at a slower rate than in the period since 1972.
The gasohol program will have an immediate adverse impact on the volume of feedgrain exports, but this is likely to be more than offset by higher export prices. This also applies, though to a lesser extent, to wheat. Exports of protein feeds (soybean, soybean meal, and protein feed by-products of ethanol production) should increase in volume and possibly also in price, but this result is particularly sensitive to trade policy reactions by US trading partners. The most significant adverse effects will be on American exports of commodities such as cotton, tobacco, peanuts, and animal products, which are more vulnerable to foreign competition.
The extent of these changes is highly uncertain because little is known about medium- and long-term demand-and-supply responses to price increases as large as those that may be expected to flow from the gasohol program. The Department of Agriculture (Meekhof and co-authors, 1980a), in trying to assess the probable balance-of-payments effects of a $2-billion-gallon gasohol program using 20 million tons of corn by 1984-85, found only modest effects on export quantities and export revenue (see table 7, column 3). (These results are partly explained by the large drawdown of stock projected by the authors.)
Table 7. Effects of the Ethanol Program on the Production and Use of Corn and Soybeans
The model used in deriving these estimates does not consider the effects on products other than corn and soybeans. Adjustments to a much higher level of corn-based ethanol production (say, 7.5 billion gallons using 75 million tons of corn) may be assumed to be in the same direction; but the price effects will be more than proportionately greater than those of a more limited program, and the effects on output less than proportionately greater, mainly because of the delayed response of acreage to sharp price changes. A possible outcome—which makes no claim other than plausibility—is sketched out in the last column of table 7.
The estimate suggests increased export revenues from corn of $2.9 billion caused by higher prices that more than make up for lower volume. Export revenue from soybeans also increases, by $1 billion, because of higher prices. Exports of protein feeds accruing as ethanol by-products would add another $2 billion, for a total gain of about $6 billion.
This gain will be largely, if not entirely, offset by losses in US exports of other products which do not have the competitive edge of American grains and soybeans. As can be seen from table 6, these exports, which amounted to $13 billion in 1979, could be expected to rise to $18 billion (1979 dollars) by 1990 in the absence of the gasohol program. With a massive gasohol program, however, a large part of these exports is likely to be priced out of world markets. If these exports fail to grow, the resulting loss of revenue would fully offset the estimated gains for grains and protein feeds.
There are two other factors which need to be considered. One is the long-term effect (beyond 1990) of much higher export prices on the US position in the world grain and oilseed markets. American exports of these products would not have grown so fast had the United States not been so competitive. A doubling of the real price of corn, and a possible 50 percent increase in the real price of wheat, could not fail to stimulate grain production elsewhere, in both exporting and importing countries. It is useful to recall, in this connection, that it was the sharp increase in US soybean prices in the mid-1970s that launched Brazil as a major soybean exporter. At the same time, high feedgrain prices will hold back the long-term growth of feedgrain and livestock consumption in Japan and in rapidly developing countries such as Korea, Taiwan, and Mexico. There also will be adverse effects on wheat consumption in the many low-income countries that depend on imports to maintain a minimum level of nutrition.
The other important factor is the possible impact of the gasohol program on the agricultural and trade policies of US trading partners. In many importing countries, the American gasohol program will be seen as an OPEC-like attempt to raise grain prices, and this will be used as an argument for pursuing agricultural self-sufficiency at any cost. Conversely, American exports of protein feeds will be open to the charge that they are artificially abundant and cheap because of the subsidy of ethanol. This may well provide a long-sought excuse for the European Community to impose a countervailing duty on soybeans as well as on by-product feeds.
The problem will be compounded if the United States should resort to export controls to limit the inflationary impact of the gasohol program on domestic food prices. Experience suggests that the probability of export controls on grains and soybeans is greatest when major crop shortfalls—in the United States or abroad—deplete stocks and threaten a decline in domestic consumption. Because of its substantial fixed costs, the ethanol industry will be particularly vulnerable to surges in corn prices, and it is therefore not too far-fetched to expect it to join in pressures for export controls in shortage situations. The recurrent resort to export controls, in turn, will undermine the reputation of the United States as a reliable supplier and provide more grist for the mills of foreign protectionists.
Considering the long-term effects and the very real risk of higher barriers to agricultural trade resulting from the gasohol program, it is quite possible that the ultimate impact on American agricultural exports will be negative.
To complete the picture, consider also the likely effects of the gasohol program on the rest of the US balance of payments: any inefficiency in the use of resources probably will further erode the United States' international competitive position in the industrial sector.
In sum, the balance-of-payments benefits of the gasohol program may well turn out to be illusory.
Costs of the program
Budgetary costs. The cost of the gasohol program to the US Treasury will rise from over $400 million in 1982 to $4 billion annually when ethanol production reaches 10 billion gallons. As suggested at the outset, the bulk of this is accounted for by the exemption from the federal gasoline tax. Assuming the 10-billion-gallon target is reached by 1990 as planned, the cumulative cost of the federal tax exemption alone will exceed $27 billion when it expires at the end of 1992.
As is laid out in table 1 and the related text, the exemptions from state gasoline taxes currently add a weighted average subsidy (including states granting no exemption) of about 25 cents per gallon of ethanol products, or $250 million at the 1-billion-gallon level expected by the end of 1982. The state subsidies would rise to $2.5 billion by 1990 if the tax exemptions were to remain at their present levels. As noted, however, some state gasoline tax exemptions already are scheduled to be phased out, and it is likely hat the remaining states will follow suit when it becomes clear that federal subsidies are sufficient to ensure the profitability of ethanol production. Most states are under increasing budgetary pressures, and this also will contribute to an early phase-out of state tax exemptions. Nevertheless, state tax exemptions are likely to add up to another $4 to $6 billion before they disappear.
Since every gallon of ethanol produced saves only about two-thirds of a gallon of oil imports (in terms of gasoline equivalent), the subsidy per gallon of oil imports saved amounts to about 1.5 times (one divided by two-thirds) the subsidy per gallon of oil imports saved. Allowing for refinery losses (10 percent), this is equivalent to about $38 per barrel of oil imports saved. Other federal and state subsidies, including the special 10 percent investment tax credit, probably add another $2 per barrel, for a total of $40 per barrel.
It sometimes is argued that in assessing the budgetary cost of the gasohol program, allowance should be made for corresponding budgetary savings on grain price supports and acreage diversion programs. The last time deficiency and diversion payments were in effect was in fiscal years 1978 and 1979, when market prices dropped temporarily below target prices. For corn, these payments amounted to $772 million in FY 1978 and $223 in FY 1979. It is doubtful, however, whether such payments would ever again be resorted to on a significant scale, even without the gasohol program. In most years, grain prices will be buoyed by the rising tide of export demand. Years in which supplies are abundant are becoming less frequent; if and when they occur, they should be used to build up stocks. Future government payments will be largely related to the Farmer-Owned Reserve and Crop Insurance programs, which will not be made superfluous by the gasohol program.
Cost to the consumer
The cost of the gasohol program to the consumer will be primarily in the form of higher food prices.
Unfortunately, no fully adequate estimates are available of the effects on the food system of ethanol production, on the scale envisaged in the legislation. The two more thorough studies (Schnittker Associates, 1980; and Meekhof and coauthors, 1980a, 1980b) are for programs of more modest scope (2 to 4 billion gallons of ethanol) whose agricultural effects could be expected to be limited.
The Schnittker study includes a brief discussion of the effects on corn production, utilization, and prices of ethanol production at the presumed "maximum profitable" level of 8.9 billion gallons, which puts the effect on corn prices at 39 percent. But Schnittker Associates' conclusion that the diversion of 89 million tons of corn to ethanol would educe other domestic consumption and exports by a total of only 25 million tons (11 percent) seems unduly optimistic. Other estimates of the price effects, at both the 4-billion-gallon level and the 7- to 10-billion-gallon levels of ethanol production are more than twice as higher as Schnittker's and point to a doubling of feedgrain prices when the 10-billion-gallon level is reached (table 3).
A projection based on simplified assumptions (table 8) may help to explain why a 10-billion-gallon program is certain to have severe effects on the food system. Without the ethanol program, the domestic and foreign demand for grains is here projected to increase by 58 million metric tons by 1990. This increase would come largely from a 16 percent increase in yields and would require only a slight expansion of grain acreage, by 8 million acres. Most of the growth of demand (49 million tons) is for feedgrains. The demand for soybeans is projected to grow by 12 million tons (23 percent); because of a more modest increase in yields (10 percent), soybean acreage would have to be expanded by 8 million acres (12 percent).
Now assume that on top of this demand, another 100 million tons of feedgrains are claimed by ethanol. This would require an enormous expansion of feedgrain acreage, some of which would come about by rotating corn less frequently with soybeans. Because yields will be lower in these circumstances, this expansion probably would preclude the increase in average yields that would otherwise take place. Taking the yield effect into account, the acreage planted to corn and other feedgrains would have to be expanded by an additional 54 million acres. The demand for soybeans would be reduced by 18 million tons because of the availability of 28.5 million tons of DDG (or of equivalent protein by-products of ethanol). This would release 23 million soybean acres that could be planted to corn, but it would still leave a new requirement of 31 million acres over and above the 16-million-acre increase projected without ethanol. Smaller increases in acreage would be required assuming greatly increased fertilizer use, but this option also would raise production costs.
Table 8. Acreage and Production Requires to Meet the Grain Requirements of a 10-Billion-Gallon Ethanol Program Without Reducing Domestic Consumption and Exports of Grain and High-Protein Feedstuffs
In practice, of course, several adjustments will be made before 100 million tons of grain are converted into alcohol. Higher grain prices will discourage domestic feed use and exports, and some land will be shifted from cotton and other crops into corn. Nonetheless, the pressure on US agricultural resources is likely to be strong enough not only to double feedgrain prices, but also to raise substantially the prices of other crops competing for the same resources. The pressure on prices would be the more severe because the necessary adjustments would have to be accomplished in a fairly short time, mostly between 1985 and 1990.
A doubling of feedgrain prices would have far-reaching effects throughout the food system. Figure 1 shows the percentage of feed in the total production costs of livestock and animal products.
Figure 1. Percentage of feed costs in total production costs of livestock and animal products, 1979-1980.
If the feedgrain prices double and protein feed prices rise by 20 percent, producer prices of livestock products could be expected to rise by about one-third and retail prices of livestock products by 20 percent. This alone would raise the food component of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) by 9 percent.
Prices of other crops also would rise substantially, although less than those of feedgrains. A rough estimate is that these increases will raise the total impact on food prices to about 12 percent.
In 1979 a 12 percent increase in consumer food expenditures would have amounted to about $30 billion. It is clear, therefore, that by 1990, the cost of the gasohol program to consumers would be about seven times the $4 billion annual budgetary cost projected for 1990-92.
Effects on the CPI
Since food accounts for 18 percent of consumer expenditures, the direct effect of a 12 percent rise in retail food prices on the CPI would be 18 percent of 12 percent, or 2.2 percent. To this should be added such factors as the effects of higher cotton prices on clothing and other nonfood components of the CPI.
The inflationary effects do not stop there, however. Higher food prices will be locked into the structure of nonagricultural wages and prices. Higher costs of nonagricultural goods and services, in turn, will feed back into agricultural production costs. By accelerating the inflationary spiral, sharply higher food prices ultimately could result in an increase in the general price level twice as great as can be accounted for by their direct (pass-through) effects. The total effect of the gasohol programs on food prices may, therefore, be estimated at about 25 percent and the effect on the cost of living at about 5 percent.
Although the circumstances are not exactly comparable, this conclusion is consistent with the experience during the "food crisis" of 1972-74. In that instance corn prices approximately doubled, in real terms, between mid-1972 and mid-1974; soybean prices rose even more. Food price inflation leaped from 4 percent in 1972 to 18 percent from January to December 1973. Largely as a result of the food price increase, the general inflation rate, as measured by the CPI, accelerated from 4 percent to 9 percent (this was before the oil price explosion). Food price inflation averaged about 15 percent through 1974, adding to the inflationary pressure exerted by the doubling of oil prices in 1974.
The experience of 1972-74 suggests that the effet of the doubling of grain and soybean prices on retail food prices may have been on the order of 14 percent in 1973 and 4 percent in 1974, or a total of 18 percent; the effect on the CPI was about 3.5 percent in the two years combined. Additional delayed effects occurred after 1974, particularly in the meat sector, caused by the biological lags in hog and cattle production.
Destabilizing effects on food supplies and prices
As pointed out earlier, the gasohol program will place additional pressures on world grain markets that already are increasingly volatile. Because of the profitability of subsidized ethanol production and the high proportion of its fixed costs, the grain-for-fuel demand will tend to remain strong and inflexible even in years in which feedgrain prices are high. As a result, the burden of adjustment will fall even more heavily than in the past on feed consumption in the United States, which is sensitive to price fluctuations. Inflationary shocks emanating from the grain sector will become both more frequent and more painful.
There are several ways of dealing with this problem, but all involve costs to our society. If nothing is done, the United States will have to cope with recurrent bursts of inflation which will be irreversible. And export controls will erode the American position in foreign markets.
Grain reserves are a better solution, but they are costly to maintain. For example, if government-owned or -subsidized feedgrain reserves are increased by 20 million tons—a conservative figure, considering the increased vulnerability of feed supplies to production shortfalls domestically or abroad—the annual bill for storage and interest could add up to more than $600 million. These costs are not to be found among the budgetary costs of the gasohol program, but they are nonetheless real.
Resource cost to the US economy
Some of the cost to taxpayers and consumers is in the nature of transfers of income and wealth to grain growers and distillers. Much of this will be capitalized in higher land values.
But there are resource costs to the economy as a whole. Most of these will be in the form of higher real costs of food production (inputs per unit of output). No attempt has been made here to estimate these costs, but they are likely to be not far below the $30 billion estimated increase in food costs to consumers.
There is an additional resource cost (or opportunity cost) to the economy that can be attributed directly to ethanol production. One way of estimating it is to compare the cost of production of ethanol with the cost of the gasoline it replaces. More relevant is the comparison between the cost of production of ethanol with that of alternative ways to produce or conserve premium fuels.
Ethanol versus gasoline
Even before the 1980 drought, when corn sold for $2.50 a bushel, it cost an extra $1.110 to replace on gallon of gasoline refined from imported oil by ethanol (table 9). Almost $2.00 per gallon would have to be spent on ethanol for 85 cents' worth of oil imports saved. The refinery price of gasoline would have to more than double in real terms—and the crude oil price almost triple—before ethanol would yield a positive social return.
Table 9. Cost of Ethanol Versus Gasoline at Various Price Levels for Corn and Gasoline
The cost rises as the corn price goes up. When corn reaches $5 a bushel (in 1979 dollars), the refinery price of gasoline would have to quadruple, in real terms, before ethanol yields a positive social return.
Conceivably, this could be the situation in 1990 (table 9, assumption B). On the other hand, if the real price of gasoline only doubles and the real price of corn also doubles (assumption A), the extra cost of ethanol would be $1.60 per gallon of gasoline replaced—50 cents more than in 1980. Since each gallon of ethanol would replace roughly two-thirds of a gallon of gasoline, the resource cost would be 6.5 billion times $1.60, or $10.4 billion, when ethanol production reaches the 10-billion-gallon target.
Ethanol versus alternative approaches to oil-import saving
Another way of looking at the problem is to compare the cost of replacing oil imports by ethanol with the costs involved in alternative ways of reducing petroleum imports.
Several approaches are more cost-effective than ethanol and can make a greater contribution toward energy independence. In the short run, the most effective steps will be conservative and increased use of coal for stream generation in power plants and in industry. For example, the fuel economy standards mandated for American passenger cars and light trucks are estimated to save 4 billion gallons in 1980, 21 billion gallons in 1985, 37 billion gallons in 1990, and 46 billion gallons in the year 2000 (DOT, 1981). A 10-percent tax on gasoline is estimated to induce, over a period of about ten years, a 7- to 10-percent drop in gasoline consumption (Pindyck, 1979)—about equal to the import savings that could be realized from a 10-billion-gallon gasohol program. About 30 billion gallons of oil are still being used for stream generation in electric power plants and industrial plants that could be converted to coal. These conservative measures involve much lower costs per gallon of imports saved than ethanol.
Farther down the road, nuclear power and coal-based synthetic fuels could replace imported petroleum. Shale oil also looks more promising than alcohol, although it does pose some difficult water resource and environmental problems. True, the investment costs involved in these alternatives are likely to be as high or higher per gallon of oil imports saved as those involved in the ethanol program, but the investments can be expected to pay off without resort to government subsidies. Unlike ethanol, these alternatives do not require large amounts of premium fuels in their production, and this helps to make them more cost-effective per gallon of oil imports saved.
Finally, whatever the resolution of the social and environmental questions surrounding nuclear power and coal-based synthetic fuels, these technologies do not exert severe pressure on scarce resources: uranium reserves are relatively ample and can be stretched by reprocessing and breeder technology; and 10 billion gallons of coal-based synthetic fuels would require no more than 10 percent of current US coal production.
Many advocates of the gasohol program admit that crop-based ethanol is a high-cost substitute that can make only a modest contribution toward energy self-sufficiency. In their view, the costs are justified to meet short-term needs until more cost-effective alternative sources of energy become available. As for other approaches, "we already are doing all we can."
But this line of reasoning begs the basic question, Is this the most effective use of society's resources? The evidence suggests that even in the short run, more modest additional resources directed toward alternative approaches would yield benefits several times greater, in terms of oil imports saved, than the gasohol program.
Phase-out costs
As matters stand, the exemption of gasohol from the federal gasoline tax probably assures the profitability of crop-based alcohol production through 1992. By that time, crop-based fuel alcohol is likely to become noncompetitive with alternative synthetic fuels whether or not the legislation is extended. Prudent investors will have recovered their investments before all or part of their plants become obsolete.
It is, of course, possible that the subsidy will be phased out before 1992, at least as far as crop-based alcohol is concerned. An early phaseout could take the form of an amendment to the legislation which would limit the tax exemption to production from distilleries constructed before a specified date, and, possibly, to new plants using biomass sources that do not compete with food production. The first provision would avoid the need to compensate investors for losses on investments made on the basis of present legislation, but it would leave the American taxpayer saddled with subsidies for the ethanol capacity already in place.
Dealing with the agricultural consequences of the termination of the program will be more difficult. Whether or not termination occurs ahead of schedule, grain growers will resist it strongly and press for alternative support programs that maintain grain prices above market-clearing levels or compensate farmers by direct payments.
The longer the delay, the more serious the adjustment problem will become as high grain prices sustained over a long period tend to be locked into land values. The resulting adjustment costs are likely to burden American consumers and taxpayers for many years after the gasohol program has run its course.
A costly stopgap
Gasohol is appealing to politicians and the public because it uses familiar technology and can produce results in the next few years. And it is especially popular among farmers because it is certain to raise prices of grains as well as other crops. In fact, the farm vote doubtless led a previously hesitant Carter administration to come out in support of massive subsidies for grain-based ethanol at a time when feedgrain prices were low and falling because of the partial embargo on grain sales to the USSR. The gasoline lines of 1979 and the subsequent oil price boosts by OPEC also spurred congressional approval of the program.
Gasohol's benefits seemed obvious and its costs rather modest. By replacing 10 billion gallons of gasoline with ethanol, it was thought that by 1990 the United States could save about $10 billion if real crude oil prices remained where they were, and twice as much if they doubled. The principal cost—the federal tax exemption—would then run at only $4 billion annually.
More careful analysis reveals, however, that the benefits are not nearly so great as may appear at first sight, and the costs much higher. What has been generally overlooked is the far-reaching impact of the program on our food system as heavily subsidized fuel alcohol competes for an ever greater share of our agricultural resources. At its target level of 10 billion gallons of ethanol in 1990, the program would absorb 100 million tons of grain, only one-third of which would be returned to the food system in the form of by-product protein feed. The net drain on the food system would be about 67 million tons grain equivalent—roughly one-third of all the grain and soybean meal fed to livestock in the United States.
Can the program be justified on the ground that it provides a useful stopgap for the eighties—until other, less costly synthetic synthetic fuels become available? Hardly, because even in the eighties, a dollar invested in alternative approaches—notably in conservation measures—will yield much higher returns, in terms of oil imports saved, than will fuel from biomass.
It is time for second thoughts.